world expo 2010 shanghai china to rehearse five shows april 20 -凯时k66会员登录

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world expo 2010 shanghai china to rehearse five shows april 20

release date:2010-03-05 from:

  april 20, world expo 2010 shanghai china is to run five shows as a rehearsal and the citizens will be able to participate in the shows.

  hong hao, the director of the bureau of shanghai world expo coordination, a deputy of the national people’s congress of the prc (npc), confirmed the shows will be performed between april 20 and 25 with 50,000 to 500,000 people involved.

  hong also said the organizer of world expo 2010 shanghai china expected to present good infrastructure, halls and parks during the trial operations on april 20.

  china pavilion, theme pavilion, culture center, expo center and other halls arranged by the expo organizer will be opened up to visitors while some foreign pavilions might also be revealed.

  world expo 2010 shanghai china is to open may 1, 2010 and close on october 31. approximately 70 million visitors are expected from overseas and domestic locations. 

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