cebit2010 opens with nearly 4,200 enterprises from 68 countries -凯时k66会员登录

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cebit2010 opens with nearly 4,200 enterprises from 68 countries

release date:2010-03-04 from:

  foreign reports noted that cebit 2010 opened up tuesday in hanover germany with nearly 4,200 enterprises from 68 countries presenting their latest technologies and products.

  the theme of cebit this year is connected world, attracting 4,157 enterprises from 68 countries. and the show used to have more than 8,000 exhibitors during its most prosperous time.

  in recent years, visitors to cebit have been dropping too with 400,000 in the year of 2009, only half of the peak number it once had.

  hartwigvon sass, the spokesman of deutsche messe, the organizer of cebit said, “we will try our best to attract consumers. it’s quite successful to maintain the number of exhibitors at this level if you consider the current economic and financial conditions”.

   this year, visitors include google and amazon, they come cebit for the first time, as well as the old patrons like ibm, microsoft, sap, vodafone, fujitsu, and ericsson. 

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